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Banstead, Surrey
01737 420770 

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Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Rainwater Harvesting systems supplied and installed in Surrey. They can look complex and daunting to begin with. They really aren’t, the technology is straight forward and a builder can install the systems using their own ground workers and plumbers.

Rainwater Harvesting is a concept that has been around for thousands of years. The process is to take the rainwater from the roof, down your down pipe and into a storage tank. Whilst the water is traveling from your rooftop it must pass via a filtration system, either built in to the down pipes or better still built into the underground tank.

Reduce your water supplier bills and help the environment

Your rainwater can be used for either toilet flushing, washing machine and anything external like irrigating the garden or washing the car. The rainwater is pumped to the appliances via a pump either directly or via a gravity feed system, we will come to that shortly.

All Rainwater Harvesting Systems should have an overflow device so when your tank fills up and excess water or debris, leaves etc get discharged through the overflow device to a soakaway, watercourse or drainage system.

Rainwater Harvesting Systems supplied and fitted in Surrey

Rainwater Harvesting

Within a Rainwater Harvesting System there are certain components that you need to decide which to use.

The first job though is to ask yourselves, what are you going to use the water for?

There are 3 main types of systems.

You’ll also need to decide on the size of your tank, and whether you want your tank above, or below the ground.

SME Energy Centre can advise you on your choice,  supplying and fitting Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Banstead and throughout Surrey.

Suppliers of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Surrey