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A low carbon heating solution

Heat Interface Unit (HIU)

SME Energy Centre supply and install Heat Interface Units. A heat interface unit looks like a traditional combi boiler and enables heat from a heat network, district heating scheme or communal energy scheme to be distributed throughout the home. They are typically wall-mounted and are also called a HIU, Heat Stations or Hydraulic Board.

Heat interface units, like Vital Energi’s vTherm˚ range of HIU’s can supply domestic hot water (DHW) and heat for radiators within the home or underfloor heating. Typically, there are two categories of heat interface unit; those that only supply and control heating and units that supply and control both heating and domestic hot water (DHW).

How does a Heat Interface Unit Work?

A heat interface unit (HIU) in a home acts as a pressure break between an energy centre distribution network and the end user. Heat enters the home through insulated pipes that run from the central energy source (energy centre or boiler plant) into the heat interface unit. Inside the HIU heat plate exchangers transfer the heat from the central system into instantaneous heating and hot water.

A heat interface unit uses energy from a heat network, district heating or communal energy system therefore doesn’t directly use gas unlike a traditional combi boiler and can benefit from a range of renewable energy solutions.

Vital Energi vTherm°e

vTherm°e is an electronically controlled, independently tested BESA verified and WRAS approved heat interface unit that is robust and reliable, allowing homeowners to have greater control over their energy consumption.

vTherm°e combines market-leading performance with intelligent data collection allowing performance to be remotely monitored. This brings a new level of analysis and control to 21st century heat networks and allows operators to create a cycle of continuous improvement.

Heat Interface Units Supplied and Fitted in Surrey